Paul B. Bartlett, P.C.
Trusts & Wills
ALTCS - Medicaid
Guardian & Conservator
Lawyers - Tucson, Arizona

Contact Paul B. Bartlett, P.C.

Mr. Bartlett's office telephone number is:


When you phone, you will speak to Michael Kerns or Justin St. John. Mike or Justin can set an appointment for you. If you feel you need to determine if it would be worthwhile to see Mr. Bartlett, you may give them a detailed summary of your facts and they can review them with Mr. Bartlett.  Mr. Bartlett can then determine whether he can probably help you (or not), and then let you know without delay whether we can help.

Mr. Bartlett's office address is:

6135 E. Grant Rd. Tucson, Arizona 85712

Mr. Bartlett accepts new clients by appointment or through telephone contact. Mr. Bartlett does not accept new clients via email. This is why we do not post an email address on this website. If you do email Mr. Bartlett regarding a contested matter, be aware that the attorney-client privilege does not apply to your email and that the contents of such email may be disclosed contrary to your interests.

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